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Gen AI + ML + Analytics = 

Berrijam AI logo - innovative AI, cutting-edge AI analytics and business intelligence solutions

Many organizations are overwhelmed with data but lack the data scientists needed to extract actionable insights that drive revenues and margins.

Berrijam AI seamlessly combines the state of art in Analytical AI, Machine Learning and Generative AI to give you ...


Berrijam AI’s explainable AI means you can take action with confidence and communicate with clarity. 


Clear and transparent insights enable swift evidence based decisions that people can trust.



Data Science Acceleration

Berrijam AI, accelerates your data analytics by more than 60x compared to traditional methods. 


This means, you go from data to insights, faster than ever before.





Versatility in Application

Berrijam AI provides insights tailored to your specific data and priorities, irrespective of industry, function or domain.


Check out our case studies across healthcare, finance, retail, and more.




See how easy it is . . . 

Berrijam logo - AI-driven advanced analytics solutions and data analytics services provider

Berrijam AI vs. ChatGPT: When data insights matter most,
there is only one clear choice ...

Watch our head-to-head video comparison

Why Berrijam AI? The math is clear . . .

Conventional Methods


Analysts with Berrijam AI

Time to insights
~60x faster

1 - 3 Months


In a dynamic organization, Data Scientists are often overwhelmed with demand, whilst Data Analysts lack deep ML expertise. Evaluating one factor at a time is slow and doesn’t capture their interactions, which can be more powerful. 

10 - 30 Minutes


With Berrijam AI, business savvy analysts can harness ML-driven insights with just a few clicks, in minutes. Work backwards from outcomes to understand 100s of factors and their interactions.

Insights you can verify and audit



AutoML or proprietary models are often blackbox leaving you uncertain about the decision making process. In business confidence is more than just p-value.



Berrijam AI provides easy to understand insights supported by evidence that can be easily validated by non-data scientists.



Good Data Scientists are expensive! They requires significant investment, including salary, training, and time to onboard with business-specific knowledge.


Berrijam AI delivers instant, actionable insights—empowering teams to make data-driven decisions faster, without the overhead of hiring and training specialized talent.

Case Studies

Goal: Understand Heart Attack mortality 


Why: Accurately triaging patients and reducing time to treatment can save lives.
What we found: Berrijam AI's analysis of ICU data on heart failure patients identified Anion Gap and Rel Failure as the top mortality indicators, increasing the mortality risk by ~2x.


Industry: ICU | Blood-works | Medical | Research

About the data:​


Data sourced from Datadryad


Preparation: We added column 'Mortality' based on outcome value.

60x faster
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